Who would of thought we'd be vacuuming windows? The only people I know who like cleaning windows are professional window cleaners, so is this new piece of technology what the rest of us are looking for - an easy, convenient, and cost effective way to clean windows? Here's what we found...
05.01.2015 - Our window vacuum cleaner review?
No matter where you live, your shower screens, pool glass, and every window in your house is susceptible to being 'stained' by the minerals carried by 'hard' water. So what is the substance left on your glass, how do you get rid of it, and how do you prevent it from happening again....
23.12.2014 - What causes hard water stains?
If you've ever hung over the edge of your roof cleaning your gutters, it's easy to wonder whether some form of gutter guard would be a better way to keep your gutters clean, and keep you from a potential disastrous fall. Unfortunately, with some gutter guard systems, the net result is the opposite of what they’re trying to prevent – clogged gutters, overflowing rainwate, and lot's more work to clean and maintain them....
11.12.2014 - Is gutter guard worth it?
There's nothing better than the look and feel of clean windows. So how do you keep them cleaner for longer? What actually makes them dirty in the first place? In this quick article we list the main culprits, both inside and outside the house, that make your windows dirty. And we reveal the only way to really keep them clean for longer....
20.11.2014 - Why do windows get dirty?
Sure it's just glass, so does it really pay to hire the more expensive window cleaner? Here at 1300 SQUEEGEE Pros we certainly don't attempt to be the cheapest window cleaning service in the market. Why not you may ask? Our experience has been that there's always someone willing to do it cheaper and so it becomes a race to the bottom. A race that is littered with disappointment, for you and us. There's always a price that works for everyone, an amount that you feel is value for money and an amount that means we don't have to cut corners simply to make ends meet. In this article we compare the AVERAGE JOE CHEAP WINDOW CLEANING with 1300 SQUEEGEE Pros. ....
20.11.2014 - Compare 1300 SQUEEGEE Pros v Cheap window cleaning
Though these specks appear to resemble insect feces, or air-borne pollutants, they are actually mature spore masses expelled from the fruiting bodies of a fungus known as "artillery" or "shotgun" fungus. The fungus gets its name because it ejects or "shoots" spore masses into the air for a distance of up to eight feet. Wherever the spore masses land, they stick like glue. They are difficult to remove and can rapidly become a nuisance on your windows....
20.11.2014 - Removing shotgun fungus from windows
It may surprise you to know that homeowners owe a duty of care to the people that do work on their premise. In 2010 the New South Wales District Court ordered the owner of a home being worked on by an electrician to pay a $70,000 compensation bill for the death of the electrician, when he came into contact with a live wire and was electrocuted. If your window cleaner is not insured correctly they may be forced to pursue damages to mitigate their future lost earnings....
10.11.2014 - Is your window cleaner insured?
Time. Result. Hassle. Maybe not in that order? Let's face it, for most of us the "clean the windows" task on our list of to-do's is the one that get's continuously pushed back - it always takes up much more than its fair share of our precious free time, and invariably requires far more leaning, stretching, reaching, and frustration than we care to allow into our weekend. Yes, there is that moment of self satisfaction once it's all done...lasting only until the morning sun catches the dreaded streaks that escaped our view just a day prior. Ahh yes, can't wait to do it all again in just a few short months...
14.10.2014 - Why hire a professional window cleaner?
Windex, alcohol, water, newspaper, lint free cloths, easy-of-this, super-fantastic-that....a ladder and elbow grease. Most domestic window cleaning products and techniques remind me of the makeup market - they all claim to be the "one product you'll ever need to buy", yet are always being re-formulated, improved, superseded, and so on. Simply Google "best way to clean windows" and you'll see that despite the availability of "guaranteed" lotions and potions, there's simply no easy-fix to the question. Well, sort of...
12.09.2014 - The best way to clean windows
It's just a piece of glass, how hard can it be right? It's not until you do it yourself that you realise how much time it takes, and how difficult it is to get a piece of glass genuinely clean, no streaks, no dirty corners etc. So how do you find a reputable window cleaner? What makes one better than another? Do they require a license to do this? What safeguards do you have that the job will be well done and without incident?
09.09.2014 -How to find the right window cleaner