In a nutshell.....Our aim is to build a brand known for delivering what we promise, a high quality, high value service, delivered by intelligent people. We're not a low cost provider...the race to the bottom is hardly one that creates an environment conducive to meeting everyone's needs. The client rarely wins, the people who provide the service surely don't, and the business can only win that game for a short period of time.
Although some companies will quote their window cleaning based on numbers of windows alone we find this to be inaccurate, after all some windows are easier to reach than others, some are cleaner than others, some are small...some big. When quoting your window cleaning we look at a range of factors including the number, size, and general condition of window panes. We also look at access issues including number of ladder movements, roof access etc.
Your gutter cleaning price will depend of factors such as the overall length of guttering, degree of difficulty in accessing, numbers of roof lines, and time since last clean.
We aim to respond to your enquiry within 2 hours during our regular business hours.