Shotgun Fungus - How Do You Remove It From Windows?

'Shotgun' or 'Artillery' fungi develops in organic mulch and other organic materials, and is usually a greater problem in spring and autumn, when conditions are cool and moist. The fungi is generally found in hardwood varieties of mulch and although it is not related to plant health it does create an aesthetic issue as the fungi shoots its spores toward light reflective surfaces such as windows!


These spores are one to two millimetres in diameter, black, hard, and globular in appearance. Unfortunately, the longer the fungus is in place, the harder it is to remove.



As professional window cleaners we have found the only way to remove them from glass is by using a commercial grade scraper, after wetting the windows with a soapy solution. Most other methods simply scrape off the top of the spore, leaving a light brown speck on the window, particularly noticeable from inside.



(1) Switch to a non-organic ground cover such as stone, gravel, river rock, or similar product

(2) Use bark mulch

(3) Add a new layer of fresh mulch that completely covers the old


The best thing you can do to maintain your windows is to use a knowledgeable and professional window cleaning service on a regular basis to keep your windows free of pollutants, fungi, and hard water stains.

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