Best Way to Clean Windows?

best method to clean windows

Sure there are some great domestic cleaning products out there to help make the job of cleaning windows just that little bit more effective, so why are we still asking the question of how to clean windows 2000 years after glass windows were first used?


Most domestic cleaning products are designed around the premise of dissolving oil based compounds. These products usually contain chemical compounds such as Isopropyl Alcohol which evaporate during use, thus attempting to leave nothing on the glass. However, particularly on exterior window surfaces, there's simply too much dirt on the glass that you only manage to dissolve the smallest particles whilst merely moving the rest around with each wipe, hence the tell-tale fan like 'streaks' often left behind.


Professional window cleaners use little more than a specifically designed window cleaning solution and the humble squeegee. Although we now have De-ionised water technology, for the most part we continue to wash dirty windows the same way they've been washed since the modern squeegee was invented in 1936.


In short, the soapy solution that is 'mopped' onto the glass acts as lubricant and lifts the dirt from the glass, the squeegee is then used to draw the now water-borne dirt off the glass, leaving a perfectly clean surface. Even that sounds more simple than it is in practice. There is an art to using a squeegee to effectively keep the water away from the leading edge and ensuring the glass is cleaned streak free.


The simple answer to cleaning windows is to hire a professional who has invested many hundreds of hours into their craft. The next question is how do you find a good window cleaner?

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